You know when you really like doing something but then life happens... Well that was yoga for me. A lot of my time on social media is spent envying people's yoga mats and moves 🧘😭 how long can you claim something is still a hobby if the last time you did was in an uncertain "months ago" period of time? 🤔 Envy and self pity aren't emotions I want to carry around and can't be good for me in any way, so in an act of self salvation I'm listening to my inner yearnings and making time for yoga. No pressure, I'm not falling into that trap it doesn't work for me. I'm doing as much as I can, when I can, for me 🙏 . Tip: I spray my area with this lavender and clary sage spray to dust away negative energy. I use this in my treatment room, before and after treatments and I find it really helps to focus and cleanse 👌
. . . Instagram: @alignandflowreflex
Facebook: @alignandflowreflexology #reflexology #alignandflowreflexology #reflexologycheshire #holistichealth #holisticliving #alternativetherapies #yoga #selpreservation #hippielife #lockdownlife
