Specialist Areas
To find out more about areas of specialism ~ please feel free to call for a chat on,
07821214883 or fill in my online form on the contact page.

Fertility Reflexology
Fertility reflexology treatments focus on people trying to start their own family.
As a woman, you may think the fertility of you and your partner lies, for the most part, on you. However, we can focus on the both female and male reproductive cycles to aid you both through this process.
Many women seek help from reflexology for symptoms and conditions related to; hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, heavy flow, irregular periods, PCOS and more. We can focus treatments on the reproductive system to help you with these issues, even if you are not trying to get pregnant yet.
Too aid conception I will focus on the key areas for mum and dad to help promote a healthier reproductive system. Deeply relaxing, fertility reflexology can ease stress and anxiety, helping you on your journey through to pregnancy and beyond.

Maternity Reflexology
Reflexology can be given throughout your whole pregnancy safely, due to it's non-invasive and sooting effects. Adapting each session to the stage of your pregnancy to better suit your needs.
Anxieties you may feel before the birth of your little one, can be reduced by the calming, gentle application of reflexology. Treating the hands or feet, where swelling and aches may appear, reflexology can help to relieve oedema (water retention around ankles and legs), bring high blood pressure down, ease indigestion as well as back pain. Reflexology during pregnancy is extremely relaxing not only for mothers-to-be, but for their babies too.
Post-partum treatments can help restore energy and general well-being.

Reflexology for Children
As adults, children are too faced with physical and emotional stresses.
Your child may be suffering from a long term condition that doesn't seem to be going away. Completely natural and holistic, reflexology is safe for all ages and can help all aspects of a condition or issue.
Your child will need to be accompanied by an adult chaperone (preferable a parent or named or legal guardian). If your child is over 3 years old I will need to make sure they obtain a level of understanding of what is happening and are willing to have the treatment. Only when they are totally comfortable, safe an relaxed will I carry out the session.
Babies are welcome, a very gentle short treatment can be performed ~ this can be a wonderful accompaniment to parents enjoying a treatment.
If you are bringing a child with you to your own session, there is space for them to sit and relax next to you while your session is carried out.

Palliative Care & Immune Support Reflexology
Palliative care reflexology is designed to support individuals with life-limiting illnesses. Carried out with the utmost care, this form of reflexology is painless and gentle.
Providing numerous benefits, including pain relief, stress reduction, improved sleep, and enhanced emotional well-being. I will tailor each session to meet unique needs, ensuring a compassionate and personalised experience.
If you or a loved one could benefit from the supportive effects of palliative care reflexology, please feel free to call me for more information.
Immune support reflexology helps enhance the body's ability to fight off illness by encouraging lymphatic drainage, reducing stress, and improving circulation.

Adapted Reflextherapy
I have trained under Gunnel Berry, physiotherapist and reflexologist, the founder of Adapted Reflex Therapy, to be able to offer this amazing therapy to people suffering from musculo-skeletal pain and injury.
From Gunnel herself;
"Musculo-Skeletal pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms in the wider population and the mainstay of physiotherapy practice.
Millions of pain sufferers do not achieve pain relief. Acute pain often graduates to chronic pain...
Adapted Reflextherapy (AdRx) was developed by Gunnel Berry combining medical and reflexology expertise.
It is a treatment that has been in use for two decades helping patients who suffer from musculo-skeletal symptoms by facilitating changes in levels of pain, irritability and hypersensitivity after injury and other unexplained discomforts."
Using techniques specifically developed by Gunnell herself, I will work reflex points related to the issue to help relieve symptoms.